When it comes to back yard DIY weddings, this one has to be one of the nicest I've seen in a while. It's almost like the bride is becoming a wedding planner or something! Juliann and Kurt had an amazing and intimate wedding, right in their own front yard. Then, to follow that, they threw an equally gorgeous reception in their back yard! I was blown away that while waiting for her hair to set, Juliann and her bride's maids were out there hanging signs and setting up various other elements of this beautiful wedding. I had my ol' pal Sean Deakin along to shoot this one with me, job extremely well done sir! Until the next one!
Hi and welcome to my blog! I share little snippets from weddings that I shoot here, along with selects from engagements sessions. I hope you enjoy!
The New Look!
Hey everyone!
Welcome to my newly designed website. I have finally decided to spruce things up in a much more professional environment and make it look clean as a whistle. I hope you dig it and will continue to check back on my blog from time to time to see what I am up to as I will be updating it regularly.
For content for the time being I thought I would leave behind my Instagram feed for your viewing pleasure as I rarely post anything on my other blog anymore (sad I know). So check it out below and if you like what you see, give me a follow and make sure you say hey!